A Winning Attitude
When I saw a winning attitude I do not mean that you are proving that you are right all time or your goal in life is to win. You may be a very smart person who gets things right a lot of the time or your skilled enough to win a lot of events. Which both are great! When I say a winning attitude, I mean a positive attitude
A positive attitude in the work place, at home, or among friends is an attractive quality to have. You are someone who does not let negative thoughts, criticisms, or unfortunate events get in your way of viewing the situation as happy and hopeful.
Sometimes a positive attitude comes easy and other times it takes a lot of effort to develop a positive attitude. Honestly, life is not always easy or fair. For some people, they may not have even experienced an ounce of easiness or fairness when it comes to life. However, the one thing that sticks out to me from a person who has had it rough, is a positive attitude. I have met some people, and I am sure you have too, that I am not sure what would keep them going if it was not for their positive way of looking of life. Call it faith. Call it sheer optimism. Call it a combo of both. Your attitude determines your altitude. (I loved that quote!)
In the workplace, employers and coworkers want to work with someone who believes that tasks are obtainable and problems are solvable. Being creative, supportive and motivating are great ways to inspired not only yourself but your coworkers as well. The ones with the positive attitude sees the possibilities and knows that their team can achieve. When the team knows they can achieve problem A, they know they can tackle problem B, C, D, etc.
At home and socially, positive attitudes shine. You want to be around someone who has a positive view on life because it inspires you to reflect on the great aspect of your life. When you focus on the positive, things seem to naturally fall into place and you feel like life is smiling at you. If I have not said more plainly, positive attitudes are contagious and someone who is truly optimistic despite the tragedy all around will help you believe in yourself.
Try it. Try having a positive attitude. A real, authentic positive attitude. Decide to think positively right now! Not later today or tomorrow or whenever the current stressor in your life goes away. Now! That is how it starts. You decide how you want to live your life. You decide whether or not you are going to inspire people or bring them down. People want to be inspired. People want to hear a great uplifting story. Even if people do not react like you think they should have your positive attitude, they still need to contagious optimism. So, let your light shine!