5 Tips to Clean Out Your Closet

We have accumulated so much baggage over the last few years. Allow yourself to release the excess in order to lighten up your load. Let go of old, torn, worn-down items. Let go of the unflattering. Let go of items that do not let you shine. 

Ok, so it is January again!  The time where we make resolutions and decide to live a better life.  We will most likely keep some of these resolutions and we may forget about the other or those resolutions that do not seem so important. However, taking the time to clean out your closet is be doable.  Follow the five tips I have provided to help you clean your closet.

1.       Schedule a time to clean out your closet.

Scheduling a time to clean your closet will help this arduous task not seem so daunting.  Maybe a good time will be in the morning before work or perhaps a weekend would allot you more hours. Maybe this process may take two days to a week to complete. Know that depending on how cluttered your closet is, you will need to take your time to complete the whole cleansing process. Scheduling a time to declutter the clutter will put you in a mind frame that will keep you focused on your goal. 

2.       Try your clothes on.

Once you have scheduled your time and you are ready to clean out your closet, I would advise to try your clothes on before your keep, giveaway, or toss.  Maybe you forgot how a particular piece looked on you and now you can add it to your regular rotation.  Maybe a particular piece you thought looked great on you no longer has the same awe factor.  Maybe one of your pieces needs an update through tailoring.  Then, there is the scary side of trying on clothes from you past… will they fit or will they not fit.  That is a topic for another blog!

3.       Separate into 3 piles: Keep, Giveaway, Toss.

This is a popular idea that must organizational experts recommend.  Putting your clothes in 3 piles gives you a direction to organize your clothes.  Think about some of your pieces that no longer are age appropriate but is in good shape.  This would be a great “giveaway” item.  Items that are beyond repair or perhaps belonged to your ex are a few examples for the “toss” pile.  Do not stop with clothes, think about your shoes and purses!     

4.       Consider storing your out of season items.

If you have limited closet space or like to be really organized, this is a tip for you.  Storing your clothes appropriately in containers that will protect your clothes through the winter or summer months will help thin out your closet.  There are several different types of products you can purchase that can product your clothes.  As mentioned earlier, organize your closet based on seasons will help you achieve that sleek and elegant closet look. You will be able to see everything in your closet instead of having to dig through your closet. 

5.       Wash and air out your closet.

Once you have tried on, thinned out, stored your clothes based on the tips above, I suggest you clean your closet.  Literally wash the closet walls with the appropriate cleanser.  Wipe down the clothes rod.  Vacuum the carpet or wax your closet floor.  Give your closet a good cleanse and let it dry appropriately.  You will be impressed with the way your closet looks once your clothes are put back in your great-smelling, clean closet!

Hope these tips are helpful to you when cleaning your closet.  What other ways tips have you used in the past?  One last piece of advice, however long it takes you to cleanse your closet do not forget to take a break.  Cleaning out your closest can be stressful so give yourself a time out when needed.