Clinicals, Work, Family... Oh My!
Have you had those days where you don’t know how you’re going to get through the day? This is my life right now. Or at least for the next 16 weeks. I just started my pediatric clinicals and am finishing up my women’s health clinicals plus taking two classes, going to work full time, and taking care of my family.
I’m sure this sounds familiar, right!?
My advice to you, and myself…is to take a deep breath in for 3 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, and release for 3 seconds and repeat. This is one of the ways that I feel, hope, know that will get me through the next 16 weeks. It’s going to be crazy but I hear it’s going to be worth it! Ha ha, I know it will be worth it.
Along with that centering breathing technique, I get myself to gym 4-5 times a week. A quick 20-30 minute on the treadmill helps clear the mind. Eating well and “trying” to get about 7 hours of sleep a night.
Ugh, sleep. So I am a natural night owl who wants to be an early riser. Trying to get the sleep that my mind and body need is tough. Trying to get everything done that I need to get done in a day is rough. But in two semesters, all of us will be worth it.
That’s the key. Focus on the goal. Look up and at the end of the road. Keep that head looking forward. Remind yourself regularly that it is worth. Have a mental countdown or countdown on your phone that tells you have “X number of days left.”.
You’ll get there and it will look beautiful!