Commit to Improve
Many times we want to improve ourselves. Sometimes we know what to do but we do not think it is the right time. Or we think it will cost to much… monetarily, time, giving up indulgences. Anything that is worth having will come with a price. However, the price does not have to be a great one.
Once you find what you want to change or improve, it is time for you to commit. Commit to yourself. Commit to your goals. The definition of commit is to carry out an action deliberately. Another definition is to pledge or obligate to oneself. What are pledging to yourself to do? What actions have you decided to take on deliberately?
When I commit to improve myself it is sometimes difficult to get started. Just like starting any habit it takes 30 days to feel like it is a part of your daily routine. That is where the commitment comes in. You have to commit to do whatever you want to improve every day until it becomes part of you.
How do you do that? Do you have a daily journal you jot your thoughts and ideas in ? Do you have an app on your phone that serves as a daily reminder. Do you have a group of like-minded friends that you see on the regular to help you focus on a goal? Whatever works for you, do that! I’m not going to lie but committing to something with a spouse, significant other, parent, or friends is one of the best ways to keep you committed. Even if they are not involved in the same commitment as you are, just by telling them that you doing what you are doing will help you stay accountable.
Sometimes that is all we need is to have someone help be accountable of our goals. Who in your life keeps you accountable? For me, it is my spouse. Sometimes we do improvement challenges together. I find when you want to improve your diet and your health, including someone in your own household makes it easier to commit to. I mean, how hard would it be for you to eat healthy and your spouse eat nothing but delicious fried fatty foods? Ugh! How are you to stay committed to your healthy goals?
Lastly, it is always good to keep track of your improvement progress. You will find that you can improve yourself by little changes made which in turn will help you stay committed? Also, it is always good to see where you started from. I bet you will be impressed with yourself when you see how much you have improved.
Committing to yourself is not going to be easy but you can do it. I believe in you!