Mirror Mirror

Have you ever walked out your door thinking you look great and fabulous only to find out that you look like someone had run you over? Why didn’t anyone clue you in? Why didn’t anyone show you a mirror?

I have had that happen to me tons of times. My own husband doesn’t seem to know the hints or clues that I need to get in front of a mirror…STAT!

If you get a chance to stand in front of any kind of mirror before you head to that important meeting or interview, do so! I am not saying to focus on your looks. I am encouraging you to make sure your clothes are tucked where they should be tucked, pulled down where they should be pulled, and straighten where they should be straightened.

Mirrors are your best investment. Whether they are the small mirrors that can attach to the back of your phone or a full length mirror you can mount on your wall, mirrors can give you an advantage when you are bringing your A-game. Don’t underestimate the power of the mirror!