Practice Active Listening
Have you ever been in a conversation where you are sharing with someone about your recent vacation to the islands or you’re sharing a bad experience at work and the person you’re talking to has that glazed eye look or is looking over your head? How you tell your story will be put into a future blog but, whether your short-winded or long-winded, it’s always to nice to have the person you are talking to really be involved in the conversation.
Do you actively listen? We have so many conversations in a day, busy schedules, and unannounced emergencies. You may think, how can I actively listen when there’s so much noise in my head?
I understand. I get it.
When you focus on the conversation at hand, really invest in that conversation. Your co-worker, friend, or family member chose time out of their day to talk with you about something important to them. That’s a compliment! They think you are amazing and what to share this amazing story with YOU! How cool is that?!
Yeah, you got a busy day but at the end of said busy day… what do you have? Maybe you found something in common with someone you spoke to during the day. Maybe you helped a friend who’s struggling through something just be listening to them. Active listening is the key to build and maintain relationships
Try it out. Set 5-10 minutes a day to truly be present with someone and actively listen. Let me know how it went!