It's Sweater Weather Time

I think I have said this before but, I love fall. I grew up in Pennsylvania so fall was a big deal… I mean fall was a part of our celebrations and what the environment looked like. I live in Southeast Texas now and I have not seen or smelled fall in my twenty years living here.

If you are in the same boat as I am that does not mean you can not go get a quick fix of autumn by flying off somewhere cool and fall-like. Eventually, the temperature will drop and we can bring out sweaters!

  1. Evaluate your sweaters. If your sweaters are wool and I would give a quick look-over for any holes. Over time, bugs like to eat through wool or make nests. If you have wool sweaters store them appropriately. For wool sweaters, you want to store them in either vacuum-packed bags or clothed bags. Most people have used moth balls to prevent the moths from having a feast on your wool sweaters. Others have used cedar chips or blocks or lavender-scented sachets.
    sachets. Don’t forget to clean the shelves or storage space you plan to place the bins full of your wool sweaters. Cleaning these spaces before placing your bins will prevent you from finding your bin dusty and dirty for the next season.

  2. Be on Top of Pills

    I hate it when I find my favorite sweaters are covered with pills. Unfortunately, most low and high quality knits usually have pills on them. And, I hate this but it’s the reality. There are two kinds of ways of how I get rid of my sweater pills. I love a comb. Combing through my sweaters when I pull them out of their bins is rather an exhilarating feeling for me. You can also purchase a battery operated fabric shaver too to help. Pills will happen. The goal is to not let them build up.

  3. Hand You Wash Your Sweaters.

    We know that sweaters require us to hand wash them in cold water, inside out, with a few drops of a gently laundry detergent. It is recommended to wash your sweater every 2-3 weeks to keep them looking pristine. I would advised sooner, if you wear your sweaters regularly.

Granted there are more guidelines to take care of your sweaters and the type of sweater you have. My bottom line is to take caution with your sweaters. Sweaters are gorgeous, and to me, a lovely luxury despite the cost of the sweater. Take caution with your sweaters to keep your style up-to-date regardless of when you purchased your sweater.